Do I have a water leak? A bayesian answer
In this notebook, we are going to examine the data from my house water consumption and try to find if there is a leak. To do so, we’ll go from a qualititave analysis to a Bayesian model.
Qualitative data analysis¶
I have a data file with two columns: the cubic meters of water used every day and the water index on that day. Let’s load it.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("leak_data_2022_2024.csv", parse_dates=['JOUR']).set_index('JOUR')
M3 | RELEVÉ | |
JOUR | ||
2022-07-12 | 0.362 | 405.939 |
2022-07-13 | 0.132 | 406.071 |
2022-07-14 | 0.313 | 406.384 |
2022-07-15 | 0.467 | 406.851 |
2022-07-16 | 0.433 | 407.284 |
What does the data look like?
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=2)
df.plot(y='M3', ax=ax1)
df.plot(y='RELEVÉ', ax=ax2)
ax1.set_title('Daily water consumption (m³)')
ax2.set_title('Daily water index (m³)')
It’s not easy making out a leak from a visual analysis. The daily consumption seems to be around 0.5 m³ but I don’t see a real trend in daily values. There could be a trend in the water index, but it’s also subtle.
What about an analysis by month? Do we see an effect there?
df_monthly = df.resample('ME').sum(), df_monthly['M3'], width=25)
plt.xticks(df_monthly.index, rotation=90);
Here, we do see that monthly consumption is quite higher in 2024 than at the end of 2022. Let’s try to see a month over month comparison, since we do have roughly two years of data.
df_monthly['month'] = df_monthly.index.strftime('%m')
pd.DataFrame([df_monthly.set_index('month')['M3'].iloc[:12], df_monthly.set_index('month')['M3'].iloc[12:-1]], index=['year before (2022-2023)', 'this year (2023-2024)'])
<Axes: xlabel='month'>
In this view, it seems indeed that starting in January this year, there has been a substantial increase of monthly water consumption.
Linear model slope analysis¶
To see if we can find a trend let’s use a linear model. We can split the full data into chunks that would on average, behave as lines and we can then see if the slopes change as a function of time.
We can use the pandas
window function to which we apply a linear regression that computes a slope.
We will use a 30 day rolling window to mimick the montly analyis we just did.
from scipy.stats import linregress
def index_to_num(index):
return index.values.astype(float) / 1e9 / 3600 / 24
def compute_slope(s):
x_num = index_to_num(s.index)
y = s.values
reg = linregress(x_num, y)
return reg.slope
rolling_slopes = df['RELEVÉ'].rolling(30, center=True).apply(func=compute_slope)
count 712.000000 mean 0.422559 std 0.110859 min 0.168674 25% 0.348944 50% 0.414397 75% 0.460289 max 0.696360 Name: RELEVÉ, dtype: float64
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=2)
ax1.set_title('Daily water index (m³)')
ax2.set_title('Daily water index slope (m³/day)')
As we can see in the above, the slope changes quite a bit with mean around 0.4 and ending in higher values around the end of the data, which could indicate that a leak has appeared.
We can make a better graph to highlight this by plotting only the start and the end slopes:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
df.plot(y='RELEVÉ', ax=ax)
slope1 = compute_slope(df['RELEVÉ'].iloc[:365])
slope2 = compute_slope(df['RELEVÉ'].iloc[-180:])
df['RELEVÉ'][0] + (index_to_num(df.index) - index_to_num(df.index)[0]) * slope1,
label=f'fit at start, slope: {slope1:.3} m³/day')
df['RELEVÉ'][-1] - (index_to_num(df.index)[-1] - index_to_num(df.index)) * slope2,
label=f'fit at end, slope: {slope2:.3} m³/day')
C:\Users\FL232714\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_32\ FutureWarning: Series.__getitem__ treating keys as positions is deprecated. In a future version, integer keys will always be treated as labels (consistent with DataFrame behavior). To access a value by position, use `ser.iloc[pos]` df['RELEVÉ'][0] + (index_to_num(df.index) - index_to_num(df.index)[0]) * slope1, C:\Users\FL232714\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_32\ FutureWarning: Series.__getitem__ treating keys as positions is deprecated. In a future version, integer keys will always be treated as labels (consistent with DataFrame behavior). To access a value by position, use `ser.iloc[pos]` df['RELEVÉ'][-1] - (index_to_num(df.index)[-1] - index_to_num(df.index)) * slope2,
Let’s see if we can develop a quantitative model for this.
Bayesian modelling of the water leak: static model¶
The reason I want to try a Bayesian model is that this situation of detecting a change at a given time reminded me of one of the introductory problems in the Bayesian methods for hackers book, Chapter 1, of modelling a change in SMS receiving behavior.
Following this, we will try to model the daily consumption as a continuous random variable that can take values between 0 and $+\infty$. Let’s look at the distribution of the daily values we have.
plt.title('daily water consumption (m³)')
Text(0, 0.5, 'frequency')
How can we start to model this? A simple choice is to model each day’s consumption $c_i$ with a Gamma distribution. A Gamma distribution has a single shape parameter $a$, see here. To fit the Gamma distribution to our data using builtin scipy
functions, we can do this:
from scipy.stats import gamma
data = df['M3'].values
shape, loc, scale =, loc=0)
shape, loc, scale
(10.893046994811282, -0.20049479019006658, 0.057162527280664094)
Let’s check if this is a good model by plotting the probability of seeing a given daily value versus measured values.
import numpy as np
df['M3'].hist(bins=50, density=True)
plt.title('daily water consumption (m³)')
x = np.linspace(0, 3.5, num=1000)
plt.plot(x, gamma.pdf(x, shape, loc, scale))
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x219a5d4a5e0>]
This looks okay to me, even though this model does not take into account extreme values (such as the 3.5 m³ on Christmas 2022).
Since I want to use pymc
for modelling the appearance of a water leak, I will redo the above "fit" using a different way, i.e. MCMC instead of a maximum likelihood estimation as
has done above. This should, of course, lead to similar results.
In pymc
, a Gamma distribution is parametrized by two parameters, α and β, not just one like in Scipy. So we need to estimate these two parameters instead of one and see if we get similar results.
import pymc as pm
with pm.Model() as model:
alpha = pm.Uniform("alpha", lower=0, upper=20) # Flat prior for shape parameter
beta = pm.Uniform("beta", lower=0, upper=20) # Flat prior for shape parameter
# Likelihood (sampling distribution) of observations
obs = pm.Gamma("obs", alpha=alpha, beta=beta, observed=data)
# Sample from the posterior
trace = pm.sample(5000, tune=1000, return_inferencedata=True)
# Plot the posterior distributions
pm.plot_posterior(trace, var_names=["alpha", "beta"])
Auto-assigning NUTS sampler... Initializing NUTS using jitter+adapt_diag... Multiprocess sampling (4 chains in 4 jobs) NUTS: [alpha, beta]
Sampling 4 chains for 1_000 tune and 5_000 draw iterations (4_000 + 20_000 draws total) took 42 seconds.
array([<Axes: title={'center': 'alpha'}>, <Axes: title={'center': 'beta'}>], dtype=object)
Let’s check if the results make sense by overlaying the model with the data.
A first way to do so is to sample the "fitted" distributions for simulated daily samples and compare their distribution with historical data.
with model:
posterior_predictive = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace, var_names=["obs"], predictions=True)
posterior_samples = posterior_predictive.predictions['obs'].values.ravel()
df['M3'].hist(bins=50, density=True, label='data', alpha=0.5)
plt.title('daily water consumption (m³)')
plt.hist(posterior_samples, bins=50, density=True, label='posterior', alpha=0.5)
Sampling: [obs]
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x219aec63e20>
This seems like a good fit of the data. Another check we can do is to extract the mean values of α and β and plot the PDF of the Gamma distribution with these parameters.
alpha_mean, beta_mean = trace.posterior.alpha.mean().values, trace.posterior.beta.mean().values
x = np.linspace(0, data.max(), 1000)
gamma_pdf = gamma.pdf(x, a=alpha_mean, scale=1/beta_mean)
plt.hist(data, bins=30, density=True, alpha=0.5, label="Data histogram")
plt.plot(x, gamma_pdf, 'r-', lw=2, label=f'Gamma PDF (pymc)\n(alpha={alpha_mean:.2f}, beta={beta_mean:.2f})')
plt.plot(x, gamma.pdf(x, shape, loc, scale), label='Gamma PDF (scipy)')
This seems, again, a good model (and similar to the one fitted with scipy
We now want to make a better model, that includes a point in time at which a leak will appear.
Bayesian modelling of the water leak: dynamic time model¶
As we have already done in the previous section, we can write that every observation is a sample from a Gamma distribution parametrized by $(\alpha, \beta)$, the shape factors.
$$ c_i \sim \Gamma(\alpha, \beta) $$
Of course, we don’t know what $(\alpha, \beta)$ is, we would like to estimate it with the data, as we have done in the previous static model.
But now, we also suppose there is a time $\tau$ when the leak starts, and we expect the shape of the distribution to change at this point. This also implies that the shape factors $(\alpha, \beta)$ change at that point, i.e.
$$ \left \lbrace \begin{aligned} c_i \sim \Gamma(\alpha_1, \beta_1) & &\text{if } t<\tau \\ c_i \sim \Gamma(\alpha_2, \beta_2) & &\text{if } t\geq\tau \\ \end{aligned} \right . $$
Because the daily data is so noisy, we can just assume that $\tau$ could be anywhere in the data we have collected.
$$ \tau \sim \text{DiscreteUniform(1, 741)} $$
Let’s code this with pymc
and infer the distributions from the data.
n_count_data = data.size
with pm.Model() as model:
alpha_1 = pm.Uniform("alpha_1", lower=0, upper=20) # Flat prior for shape parameter
beta_1 = pm.Uniform("beta_1", lower=0, upper=20) # Flat prior for shape parameter
alpha_2 = pm.Uniform("alpha_2", lower=0, upper=20) # Flat prior for shape parameter
beta_2 = pm.Uniform("beta_2", lower=0, upper=20) # Flat prior for shape parameter
idx = np.arange(n_count_data) # Index
tau = pm.DiscreteUniform("tau", lower=0, upper=n_count_data - 1)
alpha_ = pm.math.switch(tau > idx, alpha_1, alpha_2)
beta_ = pm.math.switch(tau > idx, beta_1, beta_2)
# Likelihood (sampling distribution) of observations
obs = pm.Gamma("obs", alpha=alpha_, beta=beta_, observed=data)
# Sample from the posterior
trace = pm.sample(5000, tune=1000, return_inferencedata=True)
Multiprocess sampling (4 chains in 4 jobs) CompoundStep >NUTS: [alpha_1, beta_1, alpha_2, beta_2] >Metropolis: [tau]
Sampling 4 chains for 1_000 tune and 5_000 draw iterations (4_000 + 20_000 draws total) took 65 seconds.
Let’s plot the posteriors we have found.
alpha_1_samples = trace.posterior.alpha_1.values.ravel()
alpha_2_samples = trace.posterior.alpha_2.values.ravel()
beta_1_samples = trace.posterior.beta_1.values.ravel()
beta_2_samples = trace.posterior.beta_2.values.ravel()
tau_samples = trace.posterior.tau.values.ravel()
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=3, figsize=(10, 10))
for ax, vars, labels in zip(axes.ravel(),
[[alpha_1_samples, alpha_2_samples], [beta_1_samples, beta_2_samples], [tau_samples]],
['alpha_1_samples, alpha_2_samples'.split(', '), 'beta_1_samples, beta_2_samples'.split(', '), ['tau_samples']]):
for var, label in zip(vars, labels):
ax.hist(var, bins=50, label=label)
As we can see in the graph above, it seems the distributions are indeed quite different! Also, we see that the model has picked two points in time at which there could be a switch.
Let’s try to visualize how different the before and after distributions are.
alpha_mean1, beta_mean1 = trace.posterior.alpha_1.mean().values, trace.posterior.beta_1.mean().values
alpha_mean2, beta_mean2 = trace.posterior.alpha_2.mean().values, trace.posterior.beta_2.mean().values
x = np.linspace(0, data.max(), 1000)
gamma_pdf1 = gamma.pdf(x, a=alpha_mean1, scale=1/beta_mean1)
gamma_pdf2 = gamma.pdf(x, a=alpha_mean2, scale=1/beta_mean2)
plt.hist(data, bins=30, density=True, alpha=0.5, label="Data histogram")
plt.plot(x, gamma_pdf1, 'r-', lw=2, label=f'Gamma PDF $t<\\tau$\n(alpha1={alpha_mean1:.2f}, beta1={beta_mean1:.2f})')
plt.plot(x, gamma_pdf2, 'r-', lw=2, label=f'Gamma PDF $t>\\tau$\n(alpha2={alpha_mean2:.2f}, beta2={beta_mean2:.2f})')
Indeed, we see an increase in mean value to the right based on the inferred distributions.
We can also try to plot the location of the change with respect to the daily consumptions.
fig, (ax2, ax1) = plt.subplots(sharex=True, nrows=2)
ax1.set_title("daily water consumption (m³)")
ax2.hist(trace.posterior.tau.values.ravel(), density=True);
ax2.set_title("probability of switch time τ")
ax1.fill_between(np.arange(n_count_data)[:-1], 3 * (np.histogram(trace.posterior.tau.values.ravel(), bins=np.arange(n_count_data))[0] > 0.007), alpha=0.5, label='leak time')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x219ace18c10>