Building an Eiffel Tower made of Springs
As a bonus to these last days blogging about spring models, I've come to think of a fun little idea. Since it is pretty easy to define spring models, why not build one out of a picture, like that of the Eiffel tower? We could then have a bumpy Eiffel tower made from springs! Let's see if we can work this idea out.
Getting the Eiffel tower image and extracting a mask¶
To start, we need to download a picture of the Eiffel tower. We can use Wikipedia to get one!
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import requests
url = ''
img = np.array(, stream=True).raw))
Now let's make the image gray and do some image processing on it to extract just the shape of the Eiffel tower.
import holoviews as hv
hv.extension('matplotlib', 'bokeh', logo=False)
from skimage.transform import rescale
from skimage.color import rgb2gray
gray = rgb2gray(img)
gray = rescale(gray, scale=0.1)
from skimage import exposure
from skimage.morphology import dilation
equalized = exposure.equalize_adapthist(gray, kernel_size=(5, 5))
dilated = dilation(equalized, selem=np.ones((3, 2)))
As we can see on this image, the Eiffel tower sticks out as mostly bright pixels. We can use that to extract just these points!
Extracting a triangular mesh¶
Let's select all the points in the image above a certain treshold.
points = np.nonzero(dilated > 0.7)
x_coords, y_coords = points[1], -points[0]
We will also just keep the pixels of interest, i.e. just the structure.
selection = (x_coords > 70) & (x_coords < 220) & (y_coords > -400)
x_coords, y_coords = x_coords[selection], y_coords[selection]
How mayn points do we end up with?
Let's now make and display a triangulation of the points we've ended up with.
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
pts = np.c_[x_coords, y_coords].astype(float)
tris = Delaunay(pts)
trimesh = hv.TriMesh((tris.simplices, pts))
trimesh.opts(hv.opts.TriMesh(node_size=0.1, edge_alpha=0.1))
Since some edges are pretty long, let's filter them out: we only want to keep the short edges.
def longest_edge(x0, x1, x2):
"""Returns length of longest edge in triangle (x0, x1, x2)."""
x01 = x0 - x1
x02 = x0 - x2
return np.max([np.linalg.norm(x01), np.linalg.norm(x02)])
longests = []
for tri_index in range(tris.simplices.shape[0]):
xi = tris.points[tris.simplices[tri_index]]
longests.append(longest_edge(xi[0], xi[1], xi[2]))
Now, let's mask the triangulation.
mask = np.logical_not(np.where(np.array(longests) < 15, 0, 1))
simplices = tris.simplices[mask]
nodes = hv.Points(pts)
hv.TriMesh((simplices, nodes)).opts(hv.opts.TriMesh(node_size=0.1, edge_alpha=0.1))
This starts looking nice.
Making it move¶
Finally, we can make the tower move. To do that, we're just going to copy some of the routines I used in the previous notebook.
import numba
def compute_spring_forces(x, spring_anchors, spring_lengths, spring_stiffnesses):
"""Computes the spring forces."""
forces = np.zeros_like(x)
for i in range(spring_anchors.shape[0]):
a, b = spring_anchors[i]
x_a, x_b = x[a], x[b]
dist = x_a - x_b
length = np.linalg.norm(dist) + 1e-4
F = (length - spring_lengths[i]) * spring_stiffnesses[i] * dist / length
forces[a] += -F
forces[b] += F
return forces
def time_step_integration(x, v, forces, masses, dt, damping):
"""Integrates the forces using semi-implicit Euler time integration with damping."""
s = np.exp(-dt * damping)
v_new = s * v + dt * forces / masses.reshape(-1, 1)
x_new = x + dt * v_new
return x_new, v_new
def forward(x, spring_anchors, spring_lengths, spring_stiffnesses, v0=None, steps=100, dt=0.001, damping=20):
new_x = x.copy()
if v0 is None:
new_v = np.zeros_like(x)
new_v = v0.copy()
snapshots = []
for t in range(steps):
forces = compute_spring_forces(new_x, spring_anchors, spring_lengths, spring_stiffnesses)
new_x, new_v = time_step_integration(new_x, new_v, forces, masses, dt=dt, damping=damping)
return snapshots
To use the above routines, we have to:
- define the point coordinates
- use the triangle information to connect points to each others with springs (that have the rest length determined by initial point positions)
- build a mass vector
- build a stiffness vector
x = pts.copy()
n_points = x.shape[0]
spring_anchors = []
spring_lengths = []
spring_stiffnesses = []
masses = []
for triangle in simplices:
x0, x1, x2 = triangle
p0, p1, p2 = pts[x0], pts[x1], pts[x2]
l0, l1, l2 = np.linalg.norm(p1 - p0), np.linalg.norm(p2 - p1), np.linalg.norm(p0 - p2)
spring_anchors.extend([[x0, x1], [x1, x2], [x2, x0]])
spring_lengths.extend([l0, l1, l2])
spring_stiffnesses.extend([1/l0, 1/l1, 1/l2])
spring_anchors = np.array(spring_anchors)
spring_lengths = np.array(spring_lengths)
spring_stiffnesses = np.array(spring_stiffnesses)
masses = np.ones((n_points,))
The last thing we need to define is a vector holding the initial velocities.
v0 = np.zeros_like(x)
v0[0:100][:, 1] = np.ones(v0[0:100][:, 0].shape)
Done, we can now run our simulation!
snapshots = forward(x, spring_anchors, spring_lengths, spring_stiffnesses, v0, dt=0.5, steps=1000, damping=0.01)
Let's look at some displacement plots from the simulation.
def make_time_plots(snapshots, node_number):
return hv.Curve([snapshot[node_number, 0] for snapshot in snapshots],
label='node{}_x'.format(node_number), kdims='time', vdims='coordinate') * \
hv.Curve([snapshot[node_number, 1] for snapshot in snapshots],
label='node{}_y'.format(node_number), kdims='time', vdims='coordinate')
make_time_plots(snapshots, 0) * make_time_plots(snapshots, 1110)
Let's look at the animation over time.
def plot_points(x, spring_anchors):
"""Plots all x as 2D points, connected by springs indicated by spring_anchors."""
scatter = hv.Scatter((x[:, 0], x[:, 1])).opts(hv.opts.Scatter(padding=0.1, s=0.2))
return scatter
def plot_points2(x, spring_anchors):
return hv.TriMesh((simplices, x)).opts(hv.opts.TriMesh(node_size=0.1, edge_alpha=0.1))
def make_animation(snapshots, n_frames):
hmap = hv.HoloMap({i: plot_points2(snapshots[i], spring_anchors) for i in range(0, len(snapshots), n_frames)},
return hv.output(hmap, holomap='scrubber')
make_animation(snapshots, n_frames=10)
As a last step, we can amplify the displacement and animate that.
snapshots_amplified = [10 * (snapshot - snapshots[0]) + snapshots[0] for snapshot in snapshots]
make_time_plots(snapshots_amplified, 0) * make_time_plots(snapshots_amplified, 1110)
make_animation(snapshots_amplified, n_frames=10)
(apologies for the long time it takes to generate these animations: the TriMesh function is pretty slow...)
Nice! A wiggly Eiffel tower, just as I hoped to see it. Objective accomplished.
This post was written using the Jupyter Notebook. Its content is BSD-licensed. You can see a static view or download this notebook with the help of nbviewer at 20191031_EiffelTowerTriangulation.ipynb.