Using the normal modes of the Helmholtz equation to compress an image
In this notebook, we will write a short animation to solve a fun application of physics to image compression. Our goal is to compress a Mona-Lisa image into a series of numbers, based on the eigenmodes of an acoustic plate.
The idea is based on a talk at the ASA Spring 2024 meeting conference in Ottawa given by Tre DiPassio.
First, let’s start with some theory.
The eigenmodes of an acoustic plate¶
In the context of acoustics, the Helmholtz equation can be used to represent the propagation of an acoustic wave. In two dimensions, the equation reads:
$$ \frac{\omega ^2}{c^2} p + \left(\frac{\partial^2 p}{\partial x^2} + \frac{\partial^2 p}{\partial y^2}\right) = 0 $$
Assuming Neumann boundary conditions, we can find solutions to this equation as eigenpairs $(\omega_{mn}, p_{mn}(x, y)), (m,n) \in \mathbb{N}$:
$$ \left \lbrace \begin{aligned} \omega_{mn} = c^2\left((\frac{m\pi}{l_x})^2 + (\frac{n\pi}{l_y})^2\right)\\ p_{mn} = \cos(\frac{m \pi}{l_x} x) \cos(\frac{n \pi}{l_y} y) \end{aligned} \right. $$
Why is this interesting? Because the modes $p_{mn}$ that are obtained are orthogonal and can thus easily be used in a fun way to decompose any image as a sum of modes.
In particular, if we have a image $I(x, y)$, we can represent it as a sum of $I(x, y) = \sum_i w_i p_{m(i)n(i)}$, where $w_i$ is the weight corresponding to $p_{m(i)n(i)}$.
Let’s apply this formula to decompose the Mona-Lisa into modes. But before we dive in, let’s just plot some of these modes.
Plotting modes¶
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from itertools import product
l_x = 2.
l_y = 1.6
c_squared = 1.
X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, l_x, num=50), np.linspace(0, l_y, num=51))
def eigenmode_analytical_solution(m, n, l_x, l_y, X, Y):
"""Returns mode (m, n) evaluated on X, Y grid."""
return np.cos(m * np.pi / l_x * X) * np.cos(n * np.pi / l_y * Y)
def pulsation_analytical_solution(m, n, c_squared, l_x, l_y):
"""Returns omega associated to (m, n) mode."""
k_x = m * np.pi / l_x
k_y = n * np.pi / l_y
omega_squared = c_squared * (k_x**2 + k_y**2)
return np.sqrt(omega_squared)
def eigenmode(m, n):
return eigenmode_analytical_solution(m, n, l_x, l_y, X, Y)
def pulsation(m, n):
return pulsation_analytical_solution(m, n, c_squared, l_x, l_y)
def get_first_N_mode_indices(N, factor=2):
"""Returns (m, n) indices for first N modes."""
pulsations = [(n, m, pulsation(n, m)) for n, m in product(range(factor * N), range(factor * N))]
sorted_pulsations = sorted(pulsations, key=lambda item: item[2])
return [(a, b) for a, b, c in sorted_pulsations[:N]]
# plotting
nrows = 4
ncols = 4
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, figsize=(10, 8))
for row in range(nrows):
for col in range(ncols):
m = axes[row, col].pcolormesh(X, Y, eigenmode(row, col))
plt.colorbar(m, ax=axes[row, col])
axes[row, col].set_title(f"({row}, {col})")
axes[row, col].set_xlabel('x', fontsize=8)
axes[row, col].set_ylabel('y', fontsize=8)
axes[row, col].axis('equal')
Decomposing an image¶
Now, the idea is to establish how an image is decomposed as such patterns. Let’s first download our test image.
from PIL import Image
import requests
from io import BytesIO
url = ""
response = requests.get(url)
img =
Let’s turn this RGB image into a numpy array.
img_gray = np.array(img.convert('L'))
img_gray.shape, img_gray.min(), img_gray.max()
((767, 514), 0, 254)
Now, let’s define our modes by setting $l_x$ and $l_y$ equal to the image dimensions, build a grid and an ordered set of basis functions as a sequence instead of $m, n$ pairs.
l_x = img_gray.shape[1]
l_y = img_gray.shape[0]
c_squared = 1.
X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, l_x, num=l_x), np.linspace(0, l_y, num=l_y))
def eigenmode_analytical_solution(m, n, l_x, l_y, X, Y):
"""Returns mode (m, n) evaluated on X, Y grid."""
return np.cos(m * np.pi / l_x * X) * np.cos(n * np.pi / l_y * Y)
def pulsation_analytical_solution(m, n, c_squared, l_x, l_y):
"""Returns omega associated to (m, n) mode."""
k_x = m * np.pi / l_x
k_y = n * np.pi / l_y
omega_squared = c_squared * (k_x**2 + k_y**2)
return np.sqrt(omega_squared)
def eigenmode(m, n):
return eigenmode_analytical_solution(m, n, l_x, l_y, X, Y)
def pulsation(m, n):
return pulsation_analytical_solution(m, n, c_squared, l_x, l_y)
def get_first_N_mode_indices(N, factor=2):
"""Returns (m, n) indices for first N modes."""
pulsations = [(n, m, pulsation(n, m)) for n, m in product(range(factor * N), range(factor * N))]
sorted_pulsations = sorted(pulsations, key=lambda item: item[2])
return [(a, b) for a, b, c in sorted_pulsations[:N]]
basis = get_first_N_mode_indices(1000)
[(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2), (2, 0), (0, 3), (2, 1), (1, 3), (2, 2), (0, 4), (2, 3), (1, 4), (3, 0), (3, 1), (3, 2), (2, 4), (0, 5), (1, 5)]
We can now build our index by looping over the basis function and computing the weights of each mode. How is this done? Well, if the image has values defined in discrete points $I(i, j)$, then a standard way to define an approximate dot product is to compute a sum
$$ \iint_S I(x, y) p_{mn}(x, y) dS \approx \sum_{i, j} I(i, j) P_{mn}(i, j) $$
with that said, the weights $w_i$ are computed as
$$ w_i = \frac{\sum_{i, j} I(i, j) P_{mn}(i, j)}{\sum_{i, j} P_{mn}(i, j) P_{mn}(i, j)} $$
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
def dot_product(img, pmn):
return (img * pmn).sum()
weights = []
for m, n in tqdm(basis):
pmn = eigenmode(m, n)
w = dot_product(img_gray, pmn) / dot_product(pmn, pmn)
0%| | 0/1000 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Now, let’s build the reconstruction of the image.
reconstructed = sum(eigenmode(m, n) * w for (m,n), w in zip(basis, weights))
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x2b61c7c4580>
Ok, not bad, we’re starting to see a resemblance.
An animation¶
Let’s see if we can animate the whole process to get an interesting visualization.
import matplotlib.animation as manim
from IPython.display import HTML
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
reconstructed = np.zeros_like(img_gray, dtype=float)
current_index = 0
imshow = ax.imshow(reconstructed, cmap='gray')
nframes = 1000
basis = get_first_N_mode_indices(nframes)
def update(frame):
global reconstructed
m, n = basis[frame]
pmn = eigenmode(m, n)
w = dot_product(img_gray, pmn) / dot_product(pmn, pmn)
reconstructed += w * pmn
imshow.set_clim(reconstructed.min(), reconstructed.max())
ax.set_title(f"used {frame} basis functions")
return imshow,
ani = manim.FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=np.arange(nframes),
init_func=None, blit=True, interval=25)