Visualizing the Vélib Stations in Paris using pandas and bokeh
In this post, we will visualize the Paris Vélib bicycle stations using pandas and then, to do interactive exploration, bokeh
. The goal is to get familiar with the plotting syntax of bokeh
, which is quite different from matplotlib
, the classic plotting package in the Python scientific stack.
Fetching the data¶
JC Decaux, the company responsible for the Paris shared biking system Vélib, has an open-data service available here: We can use it to fetch the static data describing the different stations.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_json("")
Let's look at the head of the data:
address | latitude | longitude | name | number | |
0 | RUE DES CHAMPEAUX (PRES DE LA GARE ROUTIERE) -... | 48.864528 | 2.416171 | 31705 - CHAMPEAUX (BAGNOLET) | 31705 |
1 | 52 RUE D'ENGHIEN / ANGLE RUE DU FAUBOURG POISS... | 48.872420 | 2.348395 | 10042 - POISSONNIÈRE - ENGHIEN | 10042 |
2 | 74 BOULEVARD DES BATIGNOLLES - 75008 PARIS | 48.882149 | 2.319860 | 08020 - METRO ROME | 8020 |
3 | 37 RUE CASANOVA - 75001 PARIS | 48.868217 | 2.330494 | 01022 - RUE DE LA PAIX | 1022 |
4 | 139 AVENUE JEAN LOLIVE / MAIL CHARLES DE GAULL... | 48.893269 | 2.412716 | 35014 - DE GAULLE (PANTIN) | 35014 |
Now, let's see what we can do with it!
Examining the data¶
A first question that can be asked is "how many stations are there in each city / neighbourhood?". It turns out that we can extract a 5 digit postcode from each address field quite easily using regular expressions. This is because the pandas.str.findall
function accepts regular expressions as arguments.
df['postcode'] = [item[0] for item in df.address.str.findall("\d\d\d\d\d")]
address | latitude | longitude | name | number | postcode | |
0 | RUE DES CHAMPEAUX (PRES DE LA GARE ROUTIERE) -... | 48.864528 | 2.416171 | 31705 - CHAMPEAUX (BAGNOLET) | 31705 | 93170 |
1 | 52 RUE D'ENGHIEN / ANGLE RUE DU FAUBOURG POISS... | 48.872420 | 2.348395 | 10042 - POISSONNIÈRE - ENGHIEN | 10042 | 75010 |
2 | 74 BOULEVARD DES BATIGNOLLES - 75008 PARIS | 48.882149 | 2.319860 | 08020 - METRO ROME | 8020 | 75008 |
3 | 37 RUE CASANOVA - 75001 PARIS | 48.868217 | 2.330494 | 01022 - RUE DE LA PAIX | 1022 | 75001 |
4 | 139 AVENUE JEAN LOLIVE / MAIL CHARLES DE GAULL... | 48.893269 | 2.412716 | 35014 - DE GAULLE (PANTIN) | 35014 | 93500 |
This allows us to easily count the number of stations in given locations:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'bmh')
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
This allows us to determine that there are the most stations in the 15th arrondissement of Paris.
We can also decide to plot each station as a dot on a map. Let's try that:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 8))
df.plot(ax=ax, kind='scatter', x='longitude', y='latitude')
We can faintly distinguish the Seine River contour, were there are no Vélib stations.
Finally, a last visualization could be to compute the mean coordinates of stations for each postcode and plot them on a map:
mean_stations = df.groupby('postcode').mean()
latitude | longitude | number | |
postcode | |||
75001 | 48.862984 | 2.339561 | 1021.384615 |
75002 | 48.868225 | 2.342684 | 2026.416667 |
75003 | 48.862940 | 2.359657 | 3013.733333 |
75004 | 48.855631 | 2.356978 | 4030.791667 |
75005 | 48.845414 | 2.348918 | 5029.631579 |
latitude | longitude | number | |
count | 51.000000 | 51.000000 | 51.000000 |
mean | 48.856930 | 2.350670 | 23765.439084 |
std | 0.029586 | 0.062251 | 13170.681267 |
min | 48.808535 | 2.222189 | 1021.384615 |
25% | 48.832531 | 2.309834 | 13470.615741 |
50% | 48.856693 | 2.348918 | 21703.833333 |
75% | 48.881089 | 2.399400 | 33554.500000 |
max | 48.909302 | 2.474920 | 44101.500000 |
mean_stations['station_count'] = df.groupby(by='postcode').size()
We can also label the points as in this SO thread.
def label_point(x, y, val, ax):
a = pd.DataFrame({'x': x, 'y': y, 'val': val})
for i, point in a.iterrows():
ax.text(point['x'], point['y'], str(point['val']))
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 8))
mean_stations.plot(ax=ax, kind='scatter', x='longitude', y='latitude', s=mean_stations['station_count'], color='red')
label_point(mean_stations.longitude.values, mean_stations.latitude.values, mean_stations.index, ax)
array([ 48.86298384, 48.86822491, 48.86294019, 48.85563069, 48.84541393, 48.84970745, 48.85669329, 48.87365634, 48.87717112, 48.8757906 , 48.85910098, 48.8404467 , 48.82890592, 48.83029111, 48.84110915, 48.86006093, 48.88597374, 48.89068584, 48.88586487, 48.8625977 , 48.83477101, 48.90304026, 48.81480097, 48.82522672, 48.86982978, 48.82117249, 48.88387195, 48.84312621, 48.81895035, 48.89330857, 48.88121858, 48.85665367, 48.86730718, 48.90918588, 48.90858672, 48.88096003, 48.90930234, 48.88471616, 48.90529932, 48.89585992, 48.80853453, 48.84670081, 48.83630349, 48.84275142, 48.81425975, 48.82415844, 48.81336175, 48.81130206, 48.84703447, 48.8199541 , 48.81861291])
Finally, we can put everything together: stations and mean locations of stations.
s = df.groupby(by='postcode').size()
cmap = list(s.index.values)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 8))
df.plot(ax=ax, kind='scatter', x='longitude', y='latitude',
c=[cmap.index(item) + 1 for item in df.postcode.values],
colormap='cubehelix', label='index of location')
mean_stations.plot(ax=ax, kind='scatter', x='longitude', y='latitude', s=100, color='red')
label_point(mean_stations.longitude.values, mean_stations.latitude.values, mean_stations.index, ax)
Using Bokeh¶
The maps I plotted in the previous section were static. This is a limiting factor when exploring a dataset. To really come to grips with the data, it is often useful to make it interactive, which is what we will do using bokeh
. We will follow the quickstart guide to Bokeh and try to obtain the same plots as above using this framework.
To get a feeling for how bokeh
works, we will first use the high level bokeh.charts
interface and then the medium and low-level bokeh.plotting
and bokeh.models
High level version¶
First, we import the different elements we need for bokeh.
import bokeh.plotting as bp
Let's tell bokeh to show things in the notebook:
Now, let's use the high level function found the charts module:
import bokeh.charts
p = bokeh.charts.Scatter(df, x='longitude', y='latitude', color='postcode',
tools="crosshair, hover, wheel_zoom, pan")
<Bokeh Notebook handle for In[20]>
That was easy! The visualization is interesting and we didn't have much to do to obtain it.
What if we want a hover tool displaying the address over each station? I didn't find any easy way to extend the previous chart, so let's switch to a lower level of plotting and do this in detail.
Medium and low-level bokeh¶
We now need to do the following things to make our plot, from the medium or low-level perspective:
- create a figure
- add renderers (points in our cases)
- show the plot
Let's do a simple scatter plot to show how this goes:
p = bp.figure(title="simple scatter plot")
p.scatter(x=df.longitude.values, y=df.latitude.values)
<Bokeh Notebook handle for In[21]>
Now, let's customize this plot a little more:
- add colors to each dot according to postcode
- add labels showing the adress of a station using hovering
We will start with the colors. I didn't figure out how to apply this easily with bokeh, so I had to resort to a manual generation of each color code using matplotlib classes, in particular a ScalarMappable.
import matplotlib as mpl
color_index = pd.Series([cmap.index(item) for item in df.postcode.values])
norm = mpl.colors.Normalize()
sm =, 'hot')
We can test the output into rgba space using to_rgba
sm.to_rgba(0.1, bytes=True)
(10, 0, 0, 255)
Finally, let's just generate the list of colors we need:
colors = [
"#%02x%02x%02x" % (int(r), int(g), int(b)) for r, g, b, a in [sm.to_rgba(item, bytes=True) for item in color_index]
['#ffb700', '#830000', '#660000', '#0a0000', '#ffff22', '#ff0a00', '#ff9d00', '#c40000', '#9d0000', '#730000']
Let's now customize the tooltip shown while hovering. The way to do this is well described in the Bokeh tutorial about interactions:
- we need to build a datasource containing a description field
- and a hover tool, based on this description field from the data source
import bokeh.models as bm
source = bm.ColumnDataSource(
hover = bm.HoverTool(
("address", "@desc"),
pan = bm.PanTool()
zoom = bm.WheelZoomTool()
Finally, here's the scatter plot, in low-level plotting language, with hovering tooltips!
p = bp.figure(title="Vélib stations in Paris",
tools=[hover, pan, zoom])'x', y='y', fill_color='c', size=10, source=source)
<Bokeh Notebook handle for In[27]>
I've just found out that it is possible to plot markers on top of a Google Map using bokeh
. Let's try and do this:
geo_source = bm.GeoJSONDataSource(
hover = bm.HoverTool(
("address", "@desc"),
pan = bm.PanTool()
zoom = bm.WheelZoomTool()
p = bp.figure(title="Vélib stations in Paris",
tools=[hover, pan, zoom])'x', y='y', fill_color='c', size=10, source=geo_source)
<Bokeh Notebook handle for In[28]>
Unfortunately, this doesn't work, yet. There are several bug reports describing this behaviour (one of them is here: Hopefully, this will get fixed soon!
Using Folium¶
A last thing I wanted to try was to use Folium for displaying interactive maps. It seems very simple to use to get markers on a map using an OpenStreetMap tiling.
import folium
map_osm = folium.Map(location=[48.86, 2.35])
for lng, lat, desc in zip(df.longitude.values,
map_osm.circle_marker([lat, lng], radius=100, popup=desc)
That's it for today! I hope you had fun!
This post was entirely written using the IPython notebook. Its content is BSD-licensed. You can see a static view or download this notebook with the help of nbviewer at 20160205_VisualizingVelibStations.ipynb.