What would Maxwell plot? (a replication with matplotlib)
In this post, we investigate the static electric field defined by a set of discrete particles. We go on to try and reproduce a famous graph originally published by James Maxwell, the famous 19th century physicist, using matplotlib
If you're wondering what got me started on this topic, it's this tweet:
Ok, I got a pretty good port of these Maxwell equation figures into Python. Heavy use of JAX and @matplotlib. I'll tidy up the code post it here later. https://t.co/Bs7GILVEgN pic.twitter.com/qXcGOkibL5
β Colin Carroll (@colindcarroll) 19 janvier 2020
Background: the static electric field, forces and potentialΒΆ
The static electric force created by a single fixed charge $q_1$ on another one $q_2$ is a vector force (Coulomb's law) usually written as:
$$ \vec{F}=\frac{1}{4\pi\varepsilon_0}\,\frac{q_1q_2}{r_{12}^2}\,\vec{e}_{12} $$
(with the vector $\vec{e}_{12}$ pointing from 2 to 1)
This lets us define a field which is related to the above force by the relationship
$$ \vec{F} = q_1 \vec{E} $$
Intuitively, it can be explained like so:
An electric field is a vector field that associates to each point in space the Coulomb force experienced by a test charge [if it were positioned at that point]
(found in the Wikipedia article about Coulomb's law)
From the first formula, it follows that the field can be computed from a single charge's location with
$$ \vec{E}=\frac{1}{4\pi\varepsilon_0}\,\frac{q_2}{r_{12}^2}\,\vec{e}_{12} $$
And if you have multiple charges, you just sum over these to get the total field:
$$ \vec{E}_{total}=\sum_i \frac{1}{4\pi\varepsilon_0}\,\frac{q_i}{r_{i}^2}\,\vec{e}_{i} $$
In practice, once you know this formula, you can solve all of your electrostatic problems. To quote Feynman's lecture on the topic, which is well worth reading:
Given the charges, what are the fields? Answer: Do this integral. So there is nothing to the subject; it is just a case of doing complicated integrals over three dimensionsβstrictly a job for a computing machine!
(admittedly, he's talking about the integral form and not the discrete charge formula I've used...)
A useful feature in some case, the static electric field can also be described by a potential, written $V$. The potential is a scalar field defined as a function of space, such that
$$ \vec{E} = - \vec{\nabla} V $$
A practical application of this potential is that once known, you can easily compute work done by charged particles following paths in electric field.
For a discrete system of particles, the potential is then written as:
$$ V_{total}=\sum_i \frac{1}{4\pi\varepsilon_0}\,\frac{q_i}{r_{i}} $$
Regarding the upcoming visualisation, we're going to do two things:
- draw field lines
- draw isosurfaces of the potential
Field lines are lines that are drawn in the direction of the field. They are obtained by just "swimming" with the field from a given starting point.
Isosurfaces are surfaces along which the potential is constant.
Implementation using PythonΒΆ
Let's first define a charged particle class that allows us to compute the field and the potential.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class ChargedParticle:
def __init__(self, pos, charge):
self.pos = np.asarray(pos)
self.charge = charge
def compute_field(self, x, y):
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
u_i = np.hstack((X.ravel()[:, np.newaxis], Y.ravel()[:, np.newaxis])) - self.pos
r = np.sqrt((X - self.pos[0])**2 + (Y - self.pos[1])**2)
field = ((self.charge / r**2).ravel()[:, np.newaxis] * u_i).reshape(X.shape + (2,))
return field
def compute_potential(self, x, y):
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
r = np.sqrt((X - self.pos[0])**2 + (Y - self.pos[1])**2)
potential = self.charge / r
return potential
We can test it by creating two particles with opposite charge.
x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 100)
y = np.linspace(-4, 4, 80)
Y, X = np.meshgrid(x, y)
q1 = ChargedParticle((-1, 0), -1)
q2 = ChargedParticle((1, 0), 1)
Let's plot their fields:
field1 = q1.compute_field(x, y)
field2 = q2.compute_field(x, y)
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, figsize=(5, 10))
ax1.streamplot(x, y, u=field1[:, :, 0], v=field1[:, :, 1])
ax1.set_title("particle with negative charge");
ax2.streamplot(x, y, u=field2[:, :, 0], v=field2[:, :, 1])
ax2.set_title("particle with positive charge");
As expected, field lines are converging towards the negative charge and diverging from the posive charge.
What about the potential?
pot1 = q1.compute_potential(x, y)
pot2 = q2.compute_potential(x, y)
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, figsize=(6, 10))
map1 = ax1.pcolormesh(x, y, pot1, vmin=-10, vmax=10)
ax1.set_title("particle with negative charge");
plt.colorbar(map1, ax=ax1)
map2 = ax2.pcolormesh(x, y, pot2, vmin=-10, vmax=10)
ax2.set_title("particle with positive charge");
plt.colorbar(map2, ax=ax2);
We can now compute the whole field by summing over the individual electric fields.
def compute_resulting_field(particles, x, y):
fields = [p.compute_field(x, y) for p in particles]
total_field = np.zeros_like(fields[0])
for field in fields:
total_field += field
return total_field
total_field = compute_resulting_field([q1, q2], x, y)
plt.streamplot(x, y, total_field[:, :, 0], total_field[:, :, 1])
plt.xlim(x.min(), x.max())
plt.ylim(y.min(), y.max());
We can even explore some options regarding the streamplot.
lw = np.linalg.norm(total_field, axis=2)
lw /= lw.max()
plt.streamplot(x, y, total_field[:, :, 0], total_field[:, :, 1], linewidth=10*lw, density=2)
plt.xlim(x.min(), x.max())
plt.ylim(y.min(), y.max());
What about the potential?
def compute_resulting_potential(particles, x, y):
potentials = [p.compute_potential(x, y) for p in particles]
total_potential = np.zeros_like(potentials[0])
for pot in potentials:
total_potential += pot
return total_potential
total_potential = compute_resulting_potential([q1, q2], x, y)
plt.pcolormesh(x, y, total_potential)
total_potential = compute_resulting_potential([q1, q2], x, y)
plt.pcolormesh(x, y, total_potential)
Case studiesΒΆ
Four charges on a squareΒΆ
q1 = ChargedParticle((1, 1), -1)
q2 = ChargedParticle((-1, 1), 1)
q3 = ChargedParticle((-1, -1), -1)
q4 = ChargedParticle((1, -1), 1)
total_field = compute_resulting_field([q1, q2, q3, q4], x, y)
total_potential = compute_resulting_potential([q1, q2, q3, q4], x, y)
lw = np.linalg.norm(total_field, axis=2)
lw /= lw.max()
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.streamplot(x, y, total_field[:, :, 0], total_field[:, :, 1], linewidth=10*lw, density=2)
ax.set_xlim(x.min(), x.max())
ax.set_ylim(y.min(), y.max())
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
mappable = ax.pcolormesh(x, y, total_potential)
q1 = ChargedParticle((1, 0), -4)
q2 = ChargedParticle((-1, 0), 1)
total_field = compute_resulting_field([q1, q2], x, y)
lw = np.linalg.norm(total_field, axis=2)
lw /= lw.max()
plt.streamplot(x, y, total_field[:, :, 0], total_field[:, :, 1], linewidth=20*lw, density=2)
plt.xlim(x.min(), x.max())
plt.ylim(y.min(), y.max());
Clearly, this is an onion shape!
Reproducing Maxwell's plotΒΆ
Even though the initially quoted tweet got me started down the present rabbit hole, there was an earlier tweet by matplotlib asking