Archives and tags
Do I have a water leak? A bayesian answer
30.07.2024 -
Using the normal modes of the Helmholtz equation to compress an image
03.06.2024 -
2D Triangle Maps using Shape Functions
19.03.2024 -
A tiny reverse mode automatic differentiation example
13.02.2024 -
The forward mode of automatic differentiation
06.02.2024 -
The $n-1$ sample variance estimation problem intuition
30.01.2024 -
Cannonball trajectories
23.08.2023 -
GMSH tutorial: how to draw a mesh over an image?
16.12.2022 -
Three springs and a mass go to twitter
18.05.2022 -
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Rotations using Euler Angles
05.05.2022 -
To insulate or not to insulate ? heat losses in my house
21.02.2022 -
Mapping triangles
03.11.2021 -
A Pinhole Camera Render of a Cube
27.09.2021 -
Simulating 2D potential flow using finite differences in Python
11.11.2020 -
Introduction to Bayes's theorem in times of the Coronavirus
24.06.2020 -
A Phased Array Animation
22.04.2020 -
Finite-Difference Stencil Derivation using Sympy
03.04.2020 -
Converting PDF Scans for Optimized Reading on a Kindle 3: a Case-Study
14.03.2020 -
What would Maxwell plot? (a replication with matplotlib)
22.01.2020 -
Building a Panel app for our Cook my Meat clone
17.01.2020 -
Solving the Heat Equation like in Harvard's Cook my Meat App
14.01.2020 -
Participating and Finishing Advent of Code 2019 (a.k.a. Intcode Odyssey)
02.01.2020 -
Using the World Air Quality Index API to make pollution maps
26.11.2019 -
Building an Eiffel Tower made of Springs
02.11.2019 -
Optimal Control of a Spring System
30.10.2019 -
Springs Mechanics
29.10.2019 -
A Short Tutorial on Cepstral Analysis for Pitch-tracking
25.10.2019 -
Brewdog Beers Statistics
22.08.2019 -
Testing the human random number generator algorithm
03.07.2019 -
Solving the tensioned string equation in time domain and frequency domain
28.03.2019 -
Scripting Anki using its API to list Japanese kanji
23.03.2019 -
Anki and the MOOC Fundamentals of waves and vibrations
06.03.2019 -
Harmonic Waves, Standing Waves and Group Velocity
04.02.2019 -
Monopoles, dipoles and quadrupole animations
29.01.2019 -
Un générateur de mot de passe dans le style d'XKCD
27.01.2019 -
Plotting the World Oil Reserves
02.01.2019 -
Ray Lens Interactions in Optics
23.04.2018 -
Preparing for the 2018 Google Hashcode (the Pizza problem)
07.02.2018 -
Ray Tracing with Numpy and Autograd
28.01.2018 -
Participation au hackathon 2017 de la BNF
10.12.2017 -
Fun with the Ulam Spiral
08.12.2017 -
Testing the Durand-Kerner Method on a Degree 3 Polynomial
10.11.2017 -
Cooking an Egg using Math
03.11.2017 -
Paris Appartment Prices: Scrape and Plot!
20.09.2017 -
A Convolutional Neural Network for Face Keypoint Detection
14.09.2017 -
Un flux RSS pour le podcast Sur les épaules de Darwin
08.09.2017 -
Un flux RSS pour le podcast Rendez-vous avec X
11.08.2017 -
Annotating a Vocal Folds YouTube Video with a Spectrogram using Moviepy
03.08.2017 -
Le jeu des bâtonnets de Fort Boyard
31.07.2017 -
Optimizing a Function with Cython, Complex Numbers and Parallel Execution
31.07.2017 -
Optimizing your code with NumPy, Cython, pythran and numba
06.07.2017 -
Les résultats du deuxième tour de l'élection législative 2017 : description et modélisation
30.06.2017 -
Les résultats du premier tour de l'élection législative 2017
15.06.2017 -
Des cartes du second tour de l'élection présidentielle 2017
08.05.2017 -
Des cartes du premier tour de l'élection présidentielle 2017
02.05.2017 -
Understanding the Karplus-Strong with Python (Synthetic Guitar Sounds Included)
20.04.2017 -
Solving the Harmonic Oscillator Equations
14.04.2017 -
Une application Android pour s'informer sur les programmes électoraux 2017
09.04.2017 -
33C3 talks
02.01.2017 -
Fixing My Nexus 5 Power Button Issue
09.12.2016 -
Finishing Reason and Persuasion, a Coursera MOOC about Plato
06.12.2016 -
Replicating the Talk Statistics for Hackers
29.10.2016 -
Do People Attend Emergency Rooms Less During Sports Events?
15.10.2016 -
Moral Dilemmas in Batman Begins (2005)
11.10.2016 -
Removing the Background from an Image using scikit-image
01.09.2016 -
Applying the Watershed Transform to a Cuneiform Tablet
30.08.2016 -
Making Your Own Autostereograms using Python
03.08.2016 -
2016, une crue de la Seine exceptionnelle ?
13.06.2016 -
Measuring the Complexity of an Algorithm
31.05.2016 -
Using Bokeh to Map Internet Usage and GDP over Time
26.05.2016 -
Why Python is Missing a Built-in Argmax Function
24.05.2016 -
Simulating a 1D Wave on a String Using Finite Differences
21.04.2016 -
Understanding Branch Cuts in the Complex Plane
20.04.2016 -
A 0D Model of Rice Cooker Cooking
07.04.2016 -
Mapping a Disk to a Square
06.04.2016 -
Rice Cooker Temperature Measurements Using Arduino and Python
28.03.2016 -
A Probabilistic Model for Ingredients in the Kaggle What's Cooking Challenge
02.03.2016 -
At What Age Do Musicians Die? (feat. Pandas & Bokeh)
23.02.2016 -
Les députés français et l'absentéisme aux scrutins de l'assemblée nationale : analyse par député
18.02.2016 -
Les députés français et l'absentéisme aux scrutins de l'assemblée nationale
16.02.2016 -
Thoughts Before Attemping Hashcode 2016
10.02.2016 -
Visualizing the Vélib Stations in Paris using pandas and bokeh
05.02.2016 -
Charged Particle Trajectories in Electric and Magnetic Fields
28.01.2016 -
Looking at Matter from Two Scales
27.01.2016 -
Visualization the Kaggle What's Cooking recipes using Bokeh and QQ plots
25.01.2016 -
Roman Emperors of the West: Plots of their Rise and Fall
20.01.2016 -
A tutorial about drawing Sankey graphics using matplotlib
13.01.2016 -
L'âge moyen des sénateurs français
11.01.2016 -
2015, Year of the MOOC?
10.01.2016 -
The Kaggle What's Cooking challenge
09.01.2016 -
L'âge moyen des députés français
06.01.2016 -
L'algorithme du radoteur
30.12.2015 -
Autodeploying this blog with Travis
22.12.2015 -
On the use of windows in digital signal processing
29.10.2015 -
How do balls bounce?
04.10.2015 -
Installing sms-tools under Mac OS X and Anaconda
28.09.2015 -
Building a PyQt application to record your microphone and plot its spectrum
21.07.2015 -
Implementing the k-means algorithm with numpy
17.07.2015 -
The Farthest Neighbors Algorithm
16.07.2015 -
Exploring Japanese characters with principal component analysis
17.04.2015 -
The topology of Paris as seen by my alarm clock
04.04.2015 -
Animating an ancient Japanese wave pattern
27.02.2015 -
A quantitative analysis of XKCD comic #314
31.01.2015 -
Smile Recognition Using OpenCV and scikit-learn
07.01.2015 -
A 3D model of the Paris area using the Google elevation API and OpenSCAD
30.10.2014 -
Building graphs with Japanese vocabulary and kanji
20.10.2014 -
The seven modes of Tetris
17.09.2014 -
Variations on the Samsung whistle ringtone
15.09.2014 -
How to create a Game Boy sound in Python?
14.09.2014 -
A little fun with stacking bricks
01.09.2014 -
Modelling the game of poker
28.07.2014 -
Generating a gallery of clothes while using interactive IPython notebook tools
02.07.2014 -
Exploring Finnish words using the interactive IPython HTML widgets
17.06.2014 -
A Wave Reflecting On A Boundary
02.06.2014 -
The Mandelbrot fractal
17.04.2014 -
Implementing the 2048 game
25.03.2014 -
Trajectories in the French department landscape
22.02.2014 -
The Fourier series of a rectangle function
20.02.2014 -
Analyzing verb endings in the Japanese language
23.11.2013 -
Creating a shortcut to the IPython Notebook server in the Windows 7 file explorer
22.11.2013 -
Japan life tables
05.11.2013 -
A response to falling with helium (Wolfram blog DIY)